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Email distribution offers an alternative delivery method, since large number of businesses around the world haven't yet started to automate their document flow.
Email distribution settings are managed in Distribution page. Customers you wish to invoice via email delivery will be maintained here. This article includes instructions how to add and remove customers individually from email distribution, and how to do it via imported list. Additionally, different settings will be explained here.
Table of Contents
1. Email Distribution
Before any documents can be sent, you must first make sure that the email distribution setting for your company is enabled in Pagero Online. To check this, log in to Pagero Online and navigate to Distribution - Settings - General Settings, and make sure you have Activate Email Distribution setting enabled. Without this setting enabled, your documents will not reach you customers via email. The other setting Send to email address in document will be covered just below.
There are two ways of sending documents via email.
Send to email address in document: With this setting enabled, Pagero's system will look for recipient's email address within the document you're sending. If you have this setting on, you don't need to add recipients separately into your email distribution list.
Using email recipients directory send documents: The second option to send email documents to your customers is using recipient directory inside Pagero Online. This is used much in the same way as sending documents normally, using a customer number in your document file and matching it to a recipient's email address in your customer directory. This can be done either manually one-by-one, or with an imported list.
Navigate to Distribution - Recipients. Here you will see your email list. This includes all your existing email recipients, and is where you can add new ones. You may also use the search option to quickly find a specific recipient if needed, you can find this on the top left of the screen.
Add recipient manually
Clicking on Add Recipient will open a new window where you can enter the information needed to add a new recipient to your mail list. The fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory to fill in.
- Customer number - This is used to match the documents to the correct recipient. As such, this number should be included in your document file as well.
- Email - This is where you enter which email address the documents should be sent to.
- CC - Here you can add additional addresses that the documents should be sent as CC (Carbon Copy) to.
- Document type - This setting dictates which type of document that will be sent, for any invoice document (debit or credit notes for example), choose Invoice.
- Under the Advanced tab you may select which format the email document should be sent as, with PDF being the default. Note, that you must have purchased Email Distribution Advanced -feature to see these.
When you have added all the mandatory information needed, click Add recipient to save the new recipient to your email list. This new recipient can quickly be edited in the future by simply clicking on it in your email list. This will bring up the same menu as before on the right-hand side of the page. Here you can also delete the recipient by clicking on the red Delete button.
Add recipients with excel list
If you have Email Distribution Advanced -license, you can upload a list of your customers instead of adding them manually. Clicking on Import Recipient List will open a new window where you can import your customer list.
These lists must be structured in a specific way in an Excel format for them to work, and you may download an import list example file by clicking on the button Download Sample file.
This file can be used to make your own list by following the examples shown in it. Remember to delete all the comment characters in the file (these are preceded with a hashtag (#) character) before trying to upload it. When you have finished your file, choose the correct document type for the recipients. Only one document type may be used per file, so if you have recipients that require different document types, those will need their own separate import list).
Click Choose file. Find the file on your computer and select it. You can then click the Import button to import the file in your email list. You should be able to see your new recipients shortly.
Email settings
This section will go through the different settings in the email service. These can be used to change how the emails themselves are presented, like the subject and email address they are sent from. To access the settings, click on the Settings tab on the top of the page.
General settings
These settings are used to activate the different types of email distribution. Here you can activate email distribution and also activate the setting to send documents to recipients using an embedded email address in your document files.
- Activate email distribution enables your company to send documents via email to customers you maintain in your recipient directory.
- Send to email address in document enables routing to recipient's email address be identified directly in the document file itself.
2. Email Distribution (old web)
Before any documents can be sent, you must first make sure that the email distribution setting for your company is enabled in Pagero Online. To check this, log in to Pagero Online and navigate to Settings - Settings - Company settings - E-mail Distribution, and make sure you have E-mail Distribution setting enabled. Without this setting enabled, your documents will not reach you customers via email. The other setting Send to email address in document will be covered just below.
There are two ways of sending documents via email.
Send to email address in document: With this setting enabled, Pagero's system will look for recipient's email address within the document you're sending. If you have this setting on, you don't need to add recipients separately into your email distribution list.
Using email recipients directory send documents: The second option to send email documents to your customers is using recipient directory inside Pagero Online. This is used much in the same way as sending documents normally, using a customer number in your document file and matching it to a recipient's email address in your customer directory. This can be done either manually one-by-one, or with an imported list. In order to see your current email-recipients, navigate to Customer Directory - E-mail distribution.
Add recipient manually
Navigate to Customer Directory - E-mail distribution and click Add email address.
- Customer number - This is used to match the documents to the correct recipient. As such, this number should be included in your document file as well.
- Email - This is where you enter which email address the documents should be sent to.
- CC - Here you can add additional addresses that the documents should be sent as CC (Carbon Copy) to.
You can now see that the customer number and e-mail address has been saved to your list. Now you're able to edit or delete the existing customer.
Add recipients with excel list
If you need to add or edit multiple recipients, the faster way is to upload an excel-list with your customers' info. Start by navigating to Customer Directory - E-Mail distribution - Import email addresses.
Clicking the Help button will open a new window with instructions and example file you can use to create your customer list. Press exampleFileXlsx to download the template.
The list will consist of columns for customer numbers and recipient's email-address. Column C must be removed before uploading the file to Pagero Online.
After your list is ready, navigate back to E-mail Distribution and choose Import email addresses. Choose your customer list with Choose File and press Upload file. If you file contains errors, the system will give you a warning, otherwise the customers list is added.
3. Email Distribution Advanced
E-mail distribution Advanced is a separate feature which allows for the delivery of your e-documents via e-mail to your trading partners - this is particularly helpful if you have business partners that do not have electronic capabilities. Basic E-mail distribution allows for the exchange of only PDFs, which are not considered electronic documents, as they are not in a standardized format with structured data that can be electronically transmitted between systems.
With Advanced E-mail distribution, you will be capable of:
- Selecting one structured format (from our entire range of public formats) per document type, making it so all e-mail-distributed transactions related to a specific document type will be delivered in the chosen format.
- Selecting one format per document type and per recipient, helping you meet the demands your different business partners may have.
- Change the default sender email address's prefix and other sender settings.
Sending settings
Clicking on the left-side tab named Sending you can access the further settings for sending your documents via email. Note, that you must have Email Distribution Advanced -feature in order to edit these settings.
- Sender email prefix - This settings lets you add a unique text that will be part of the sending address. For domain security reasons we only allow for the @pageroonline.com domain to be used.
- Reply to address - This setting changes the default reply to address. It is used when you want email clients to reply to a different address than the sender address.
- Document specific configuration - Manage document specific configuration - Here you can select the default settings per document type. Under Format you can select the format that should be applied as the default format on the row for the corresponding document type.
Note, that Email Distribution Advanced has extra cost. The specific details can be found in our Pagero Store.