Export documents from Pagero Online

Pagero Online features a functionality to export a list of your received or sent documents as an excel sheet or a csv-file.

The exported list will contain basic information of the included documents, such as document type, sender and receiver details, order numbers, total amounts, currency, due date and status of delivery.


Here's how you can export the documents in Pagero Online:

1. Login to Pagero Online www.pageroonline.com

2. Go to My documents->Sent documents or Received documents, depending which ones you wish to export

3. Use the search fields to narrow down the list of documents you wish to export and click search. The export will only include documents filtered with the search. If no search criteria are given, the export will include all available documents.

4. Once you have the documents you wish to export shown on the search results, click Excel or CSV at the bottom of the list and download of the export file will start. All the results of the search will be included, not just the ones shown on the current page.

Exporting documents from archive

If you have archive service in Pagero Online, archived documents can also be exported. This needs to be done separately from the documents that are not yet in the archive.

1. Use the search fields to filter the wanted documents to be exported as before, and this time check the tab "Extend search to include the archive"

2. Go to the tab "Archived documents" and click Excel or CSV at the bottom of the list. This will download a file that includes documents shown on the archive side.



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