Compliance Alert – Release of an updated DTE user manual

Update: Compliance Alert - Release of an updated DTE user manual
Date: 2023-09-29

Previously, the tax authority of El Salvador developed a website with several functions related to electronic tax documents (DTE).

Its original version, 1.0, was released in December 2022, followed by the most recent version, 1.1, in September 2023.

Along with a new version of the tax authority website, the authority released a DTE user manual to explain to taxpayers how to use the site services.

The manual incorporates modifications in the Electronic Signature Certificate Option (section 4), incorporating the Download Certificate option, incorporating the Establishment Consultation in the DTE Consultations Option (section 7), and eliminates the Reports option within the options that were available on the issuers' site.

The manual also explains changes in the Comment Support option where you can access the Electronic Invoice questions and answers chat.

More information about the DTE user manual is available here (in Spanish).

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