Compliance Alert - Technical note 2016.003 version 3.61 corrects dates from version 3.60, updating the NCM table

Update: Compliance Alert - Technical note 2016.003 version 3.61 corrects dates from version 3.60, updating the NCM table
Date: 2023-10-06

On 29 September 2023, the Nota Fiscal Eletrônica website (NF-e Portal) published a technical note NT2016.003 version 3.61, correcting the dates in the explanatory text of version 3.60 (new NCM table).


Below is the text corrected by the new version:

The four codes included in the NCM table published on the NF-e Portal are highlighted in green, with the information coming into effect on 1 November 2023.

The code excluded from the NCM table published on the NF-e Portal is highlighted in red with the information on the end of validity on 31 October 2023.


Table with the Common Mercosur Nomenclature (NCM) included and excluded

Resolution Excluded NCM Description Included NCM Description

Resolution Gecex 499/2023


Mixtures and pastes for the preparation of bakery, pastry, and biscuit products, of position 19.05




Dough for preparing bread, without adding whole grains or seeds, frozen


Dough for preparing bread, with the addition of whole grains or seeds, frozen
1901.20.90 Other




Cartilage regenerator, consisting of moulded, absorbable collagen


Implementation deadline

  • Homologation environment (company testing environment): 15 October 2023;
  • Production environment: 1 November 2023.
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