Compliance Alert - SDI updates technical specifications

Update: Compliance Alert - SDI updates technical specifications
Date: 2023-12-15

The Italian tax authority (SDI) updated its technical specifications for e-invoicing to version 1.8.

The main changes are as follows:

  • New validation to corroborate that declaration of intent (It. dichiarazione d'intento) is valid. Otherwise, SDI will reject the e-invoice with error code 00477;
  • New coding was introduced for the “AltriDatiGestionali” block for agricultural producers under the special regime. More information can be seen on pages 49 and 50 of technical specifications;
  • The indications for the use of the TD28 (Purchases from San Marino with VAT - paper invoice) for operations to and from subjects not established in Italy have been updated;
  • The description of “IdPaese” (Country ID) has been integrated in the CedentePrestatore (Supplier) DatiAnagrafici (Personal Data). More information can be seen on page 32 of technical specifications.

The updated Italian technical specifications are available here.

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