Compliance Alert – New Financial Conciliation Event for e-invoice and Consumer e-invoice

Update: Compliance Alert – New Financial Conciliation Event for e-invoice and Consumer e-invoice
Date: 2023-12-18

Technical Note NT 2023.004 version 1.00 was published by Portal NF-e, presenting the option to record financial transactions related to the electronic invoice (NF-e) and the electronic consumer invoice (NFC-e).

Its main highlight is the optional Financial Conciliation Event (ECONF) creation, which facilitates the link between tax documents and received financial resources.

Further important changes

Provision of an event web service by authorizing SEFAZ (Secretary of State for Finance) for ECONF authorization, applicable to models 55 and 65.

Updates of fields

  • YA Group. Payment Information: Addition of CNPJPag, UFPag (optional), CNPJReceb and idTermPag fields for payment information;
  • ICMS Taxation Groups: Inclusion of the "indDeduzDeson" field to indicate whether the exempted ICMS value is deducted from the value of the item;
  • Group I01. Products and Services / Import Declaration: Change of the "CNPJ" field to "CNPJ/CPF";
  • Group Z. Additional NF-e Information: Addition of options to identify procedures, benefits, and regimes within the scope of CONFAZ.

Validation Rules

  • Inclusion of rules YA04-20, YA09-20 and YA10-10 to ensure the correct association between payment methods, limit the amount of change and verify that the payment beneficiary's CNPJ (National Registration of Legal Entities) is correctly filled out;
  • Disabling rules X03-10 and X03-20;
  • Amendment of rule W16-10 to replace exceptions and create a specific exception for issuing NFA-e (Electronic Single Invoice).

The implementation schedule foresees production on 4 January 2024, with approval on 2 May 2024.

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