Compliance Alert - SAT updates technical documents for Annex 20 and Payment Complement Error Matrix

Update: Compliance Alert - SAT updates technical documents for Annex 20 and Payment Complement Error Matrix
Date: 2023-12-28

The Tax Administration Service of Mexico (SAT) published new versions of the documents below on their website:

  • Error matrix (xls)
  • Data catalogs (xsd)
  • CFDI Catalogs v4.0 (xls)
  • Data pattern for the CFDI v4.0 (Annex 20), and
  • the error matrix (xls) of the “payment receipt complement” of the CFDI

Where can these changes be reviewed?

The mentioned updates can be consulted in the following table:

CFDI v4.0 (Anexo 20)
Catálogo de datos (xsd) 12/12/2023
Matriz de errores (xls) 12/12/2023
Catálogos CFDI Versión 4.0 (xls) 12/12/2023
Patrón de datos (xsd) 13/12/2023


What keys changed in the CDFI 4.0 Error Matrix?

The modifications are shown in yellow in the following table:

Number Element Atribut Validation Error Code Error Code Description
72 cfdi:Conceptos/Concepto ObjetoImp Si este atributo contiene el valor «01», «03», «04» o «05», el nodo hijo Impuestos del nodo Concepto no debe existir. CFDI40172 El nodo hijo Impuestos del nodo Concepto, no debe existir.


What keys changed in the Payment Receive Plugin v2.0 Bug Matrix?

  • Key CFDI40172 and
  • Key CRP20247

The Error Matrix can be consulted here.




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