Compliance Alert - Correction in the Income Nature Code of the EFD-Reinf module

Update: Compliance Alert - Correction in the Income Nature Code of the EFD-Reinf module
Date: 2024-01-25

The Public Digital Bookkeeping System (Sped portal) has issued a notification about a correction to the revenue code in the module EFD-Reinf production and restricted production environment.

The correction amends the revenue code 938501 to 938502.

This correction pertains to the Income Nature Code (CNR) 14008, encompassing amounts related to fines and any other benefits, even in the form of compensation, arising from contract termination.

Companies that submitted event R-4010 with the CNR 14008 and triggering events from 1 January 2024 must initiate the submission of a rectification event.

This rectification ensures the re-processing of the event and generates a new receipt with the accurate revenue code, facilitating subsequent closure procedures.

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