Compliance Alert - Updates to RO e-Factura platform announced

Update: Compliance Alert - Updates to RO e-Factura platform announced
Date: 2024-02-05

The Romanian Ministry of Finance has been actively assessing possible improvements to the national e-invoicing system, especially as the requirements for issuing invoice data to the RO e-Factura began on 1 January.

These changes include:

  • Removal of the possibility of issuing duplicate invoices; and
  • Introduction of the option for self-billing.

With the removal of duplicate invoices, any such invoices that are issued via the system will be outright rejected.

The introduction of self-billing allows taxpayers to apply under a wide array of use cases, including the ability for beneficiaries to invoice on behalf of their suppliers.

Press releases on these updates can be found on the Ministry of Finance Website.

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