Compliance Alert: Adjustment of validation rules and introduction of field restrictions to the transportation invoices

Update: Compliance Alert: Adjustment of validation rules and introduction of field restrictions to the transportation invoices
Date: 2024-03-20

On 12 March 2024, Technical Note 2024.001 version1.02 was published on the CT-e portal, promoting adjustments to the transportation invoices (CTe), Knowledge of Electronic Transport for Other Services (CTe OS) and Electronic Delivery Slips for Valuables (GTVe) validation rules to improve quality and adapt the system to approved legislation.


What are the main changes?

Firstly, there is an adjustment in the validation rule for the access key to the CTe Complementary CT-e and CT-e OS. An exception was created for the rail modal, allowing up to 24 months from the CT-e Authorization Date.

Secondly, filling in a contingency justification in a standard issuance is prohibited: fields of the contingency entry justification cannot be entered for standard issuance if the issuance type (tag:tpEmis) equal to 1 (Normal) dhCont and xJust should not be completed.

Finally, certain fields in the correction letter (CC-e) to ensure data integrity are prohibited.


Implementation timelines

  • Approval environment (testing environment): 18 March 2024;
  • Production environment: 8 April 2024.


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