Compliance Alert – New fields for payment information group and validation rules for NF-e and NFC-e

Update: Compliance Alert – New fields for payment information group and validation rules for NF-e and NFC-e
Date: 2024-03-25

On 19 March 2024, the Brazilian authorities published Technical Note 2023.004 V1.11 on the NF-e portal, including updated validation rules and exceptions for certain fields.


What are the main changes?

  • 4.2. N. Item / Tax: ICMS: id: N28-12 becomes a mandatory field;
  • 4.4. YA. Payment methods: The activation date of the validation rule (id: YA09-20) for rejections of any amount greater than BRL 1000,00 (ca. EUR 185) has been set to 1 October 2024;
  • 4.5. W. Total NF-e: Exception 1: Removal of the criteria (+) vICMSMonoReten (id:W06d);
  • 4.5. W. Total NF-e: Exception 4 update: No rejection if the vICMSDeson (N28a) has not been subtracted from the total value of the NF-e in items with indDeduzDeson = 0 (N28b) or not completed.

Implementation timelines

  • Approval environment (testing environment): 25 March 2024.
  • Production environment: 
    • Schema update: 6 May 2024;
    • Validation rules (exception YA09-20): 1 July 2024;
    • Validation rule YA09-20: 1 October 2024.


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