Compliance Alert - E-invoice approval environment unification for specific states

Update: Compliance Alert - E-invoice approval environment unification for specific states
Date: 2024-04-18

The Special Secretariat of Brazil's Federal Revenue (RFB) is unifying the environments of several authorities for the approval of e-invoices.

These are the Virtual State Treasury of the National Environment (SVAN), authorizing e-invoices for taxpayers in the state of Maranhão, and the Virtual State Treasury of the National Contingency Environment (SVC-AN) that authorizes e-invoices in contingency for taxpayers from the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, and states authorizing through the Virtual State Treasury of Rio Grande do Sul (SVRS).

SVC-AN and SVAN test environments have already been unified, and the new URLs have been updated on the National E-Invoice Test Portal.

The Federal Revenue of Brazil has not yet announced the date of production environment unification and the new production URLs.

To access the test environment URLs for e-invoices, click here.

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