Postal Code Area

The different ways you can handle and edit your Price lists may be confusing. Here are some tips that can help you find your way!


When your Price list is created (under Settle --> Create Price list, or Cost Control --> Create Freight Price List), you can now view it under Settle --> Price lists, or Cost Control --> Manage Freight Price Lists. Choose the Price list you would like to view by pressing any hyperlink, for example the ''ID''.


Postal Code Area

Under ''Manage'' you will have some options in a drop-down list. Choose ''Postal Code Area'' and press search to get the view you see in the image below.

Postal code.png


Postal code area - The name of the defined postal code area.
A postal code area can be one postal code or an interval of postal codes. It can also consist of cities, countries or IATA codes. By default, the defined postal code areas are used for both freight costs and additional charges. Overlapping postal codes, cities, country codes or IATA codes within the areas are not allowed.
(Separate postal code areas can be set up for freight charges and additional charges, then overlap is allowed between them, but must be configured by Pagero)


Country code - Country code for the postal code area.


Lowest postal code - The lowest postal code in the interval, can be alphanumeric. Space, hyphen etc. is not allowed.


Highest postal code - The highest postal code in the interval, can be alphanumeric. Space, hyphen etc. is not allowed.



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