Compliance Alert - Technical Note updates single-phase fuel taxation

Update: Compliance Alert - Technical Note updates single-phase fuel taxation
Date: 2024-06-13

Technical Note (NT) 2023.001 version 1.51 was published, amending exception 2 of validation rule LA17-20 (Item/Fuel) and updating the documentation for the pBIO field. Additionally, IT 2023.003 version 1.03 was released, updating the table of fuels subject to single-phase taxation.

Amendment of Rule LA17-20

Exception 2 of rule LA17-20 now uses the field (tag:indfinal) equal to 1 for validation, instead of the field (indIEdest) equal to 9.

pBIO Field Documentation Update

The documentation for the pBIO field has been updated to clarify its role in calculating the volume of Anhydrous Ethanol to be blended with Gasoline A, or the volume of Anhydrous Ethanol blended in operations with Gasoline C.

Fuel Table Update

The fuel table has been updated to reflect the latest information.

Implementation timeline

  • Approval environment (company testing environment): 1 July 2024;
  • Production environment: 2 September 2024.

Technical Note (NT) 2023.001 version 1.51.

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