
Network is where you start your journey through the new interface. You should check every tab (starting with Profile) and add as much information as possible to ensure smooth running of your account later on. Here you will manage not only your own profile, but all the connections with your customers and suppliers.

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This feature replaces the customer and supplier catalogues and all their options that you might be familiar with from the previous interface.

Table of contents

1. Search
2. Connections
3. Requests
4. Profile
5. Monitor
6. Identified
7. Invite

1. Search

The Search feature helps you find trading partners to connect to. You can find companies here by their names and business IDs. This is the best option for finding partners present in out network.

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Connecting with a trading partner
  1. Add a company name or their business ID in the Search network box in the top left corner. You can also filter based on document type or direction of sending. Then press the search icon.
  2.  A list of companies matching your search will appear below. Click the company you want to connect to and then the View profile button in the right menu see its full profile. If this is the company you are looking for, press the Connect button on the right.

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  3. Choose if you want to receive from or send documents to this company and the available document types. Each of the options will open an extra section: 
  4. Make sure your contact information is up to date before pressing Send request button. You can also leave an optional message. 2024-09-17 08_42_14-Network - Pagero Online.png
  5. Sometimes you might have to provide your electronic ID for certain service providers. Note that, different service providers have various standards what they classify as e-ID. Your VAT-number will work for majority of providers. Add your e-ID and press Submit. After this you can press the Send request button.
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  6. Depending on the setup of your trading partner, your request can be either accepted immediately, or wait for your trading partner to accept the request. The status of your requests will be then available in the Requests section.  



2. Connections

This feature offers you a good view of all your current connections. You can search for a connected company using the search box on the top and also filter the results by choosing the document type and direction of sending.

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If there are additional connection types available for the trading partners you are already connected to, the Connect button in the right menu after clicking the company will be active and you can proceed with the steps described in the Search section.

Managing customer numbers for trading partners

Connections in Pagero Online are handled with trading partners' electronic invoice addresses and customer numbers. Connecting to a trading partner with a distinct customer number can help your documents route correctly. You can add, edit and delete your customer numbers directly in Network - Connections.

  1. Go to Network - Connections.
  2. Search for the trading partner you wish to edit either via the list or search bar.
  3. Click the trading partner. This will open a new window to the right.
  4. Click View Profile.
  5. Navigate to Edit your buyer & supplier ids for and click Edit.
  6. Make your changes and press Save. Note, that you can have multiple customer numbers for a trading partner. In order to do so, separate the customer numbers with a comma (,).

Deactivating vs Deleting a connection

You have two options to stop the document flow with your trading partners in Pagero Online: Deactivate and Delete.

Deactivate disables your connections temporarily. You can resume the connection simply by activating the connection type again.

Deleting a connection stops the flow. In order to resume exchanging documents, you must connect to the trading partner again. Note, that deleting a trading partner will not remove from your listed connections.

In order to either deactivate or delete a connection, follow below instructions:

  1. Go to Network - Connections.
  2. Search for the trading partner you wish to edit either via the list or search bar.
  3. Click the trading partner. This will open a new window to the right.
  4. Click View Profile.
  5. Navigate to Trading Partner Relationship and click Edit.
  6. Here you can activate and deactivate your connections, as well as delete them altogether. Note, that even when all the connections are deactivated or deleted, the trading partner will remain in your connections, so it will be easy to find if you ever need to connect to them again.


3. Requests

In this feature you can track incoming and outgoing requests of your trading partners. The list can be searched and filtered by using the search box and additional filters for status, document type and direction.2024-09-17 08_46_17-Network - Pagero Online.png

  • Status column will show you the current stage of the request
  • Last updated column will inform you how long ago did it change
  • Document column will tell you both the requested direction (Send/Receive) and the type of document that needs approval to be send.

Clicking a company name will display a window on the right side with the company contact details and activity log.

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4. Profile

This is the feature to be updated when you first start using the Network functionality. 

At the top of the view you can edit and add your company logo and a background image by clicking the pencil icons in their lower right corners.

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From boxes below or shortcuts on the left of the images you can modify the following information. Click the Edit option in the upper right corner of the relevant box to start the changes and then the Save option in the same place when you are done, or Cancel if you do not want the changes to be saved. 

Document support

In the Status column click the squares next to all the document types you support in sending and receiving. Its advisable to contact Pagero's support before making any hasty changes here.
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Here you can add specific document requirements you are receiving from your suppliers.

ID at service providers

Before sending e-documents to a new service provider, you need to define your unique e-id in Pagero Online Service provider settings for that specific service provider. Note that different service providers might have different format of e-id they accept. If you are unsure which valued you should use, contact Pagero Support here.

  1. Navigate to Network - Profile - ID at service providers and click Edit.
  2. Here you can edit and add your company's electronic identifier to new service providers by pressing Add+ button.
  3. You should always add both Receive ID and Send ID which are almost always the same (alternate scenarios if you have multiple companies and/or electronic invoicing addresses in use).

Note that different service providers can have different requirements on what they accept as electronic identifiers. VAT-number will work for majority of service providers worldwide.

If you are unsure which valued you should use, contact Pagero Support here.


Auto Approve

When this setting is ON (green), all incoming connect requests from your suppliers are automatically accepted. When the setting is OFF, you will have to manually go to Request-view and accept each separately.


Here you can add extra information regarding your company, such as your postal address, contact details and relevant IDs that can be viewed by your trading partners.


5. Monitor

The Monitor functions lets you upload your list of suppliers and customers and compare it to our network. Under the Import section you can find a template for your list. Add necessary data and upload it here. This will help you mostly in initial setup of your account and connections. 2024-09-17 08_54_51-Network - Pagero Online.png

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to upload your list
  1. Click the Import button in the upper left corner of the view.
  2. If you need to create the file, downloading the Template in Excel or CSV format first and creating it on basis of this file is recommended. The mandatory fields are Company name, Country code and one or more of the electronic IDs (OrgNo, GLN, EID, IBAN, VAT, OVT) which are then used to search for a match within Pagero Network.
  3. Choose the type of your list and click the Upload button, choose the ready file from your computer and click Open in the lower right corner of the window.
  4. The file will be uploaded and the status of the upload will be displayed in Import progress section of the right menu.

All the uploaded files will be then listed in the Sources.

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You can also upload the trading partners individually, using the Add button at the top of the table.
Now you are able to monitor your trading partners. The table will show you all the found matches in our network.

When a match is found, you can click on a trading partner and proceed with the connection steps as described in the Search section. If a match is not found, you can invite the trading partner to join our network. This action is available in the Invite section that you can choose from the top menu of the Network.


6. Identified

Identified is a smart feature that takes entries available in the Monitor view, like historical transactional data and the uploaded trading partner lists and informs you if there are any potential companies you could connect to. New trading companies will show here also when they join the Pagero Network - those will also become visible in the Monitor view. 2024-09-17 09_22_35-Network - Pagero Online.png

The most promising matches are displayed in the Highlighted identified connections upper section, where you can just immediately click the Connect button below the trading partner you recognize. All the other connections are displayed in a table below, where you can also click them and see their details in a menu that will appear on the right. Then you can proceed with the connection steps as described in the Search section.


7. Invite

This feature allows you to invite new trading partners into our network. Those would also be the partners that did not have a match when you looked for them in the Monitor section.

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This is how you can invite a new trading partner
  1. Click Add recipients. A right sidebar will appear, where you can add the company name and e-mail address. You can also upload a file with this information. There is a message template to help you see how the file should look.
  2. The recipient will be added and their details will be shown in the main view. Then you can create or select an existing invite template and change it as needed. New template can be recorded by giving it a Template name and pressing the Save button. The Reset button will delete all the changes made in this step. 2024-09-17 09_00_31-Network - Pagero Online.png
  3. When you finish adding all the required information and changes to the template, press Send invite.  This will send the message to the recipient.

You can see all of your sent invites by viewing the Invite history option - just click on the History button in the upper left corner.

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