Compliance Alert - New Technical Note introduces changes to NF-e and NFC-e and CSRT for state of Paraná

Update: Compliance Alert - New Technical Note introduces changes to NF-e and NFC-e and CSRT for state of Paraná
Date: 2024-09-30

On 13 September 2024, Technical Note No. 2018.005 version 1.40 was published, detailing updates to the NF-e (Electronic Goodes Invoice) and NFC-e (Electronic Consumer Invoice) layouts, as well as adjustments to validation rules and the Graphical representation of the NF-e (pt. Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica – DANFE) layout. The note includes specific changes for the state of Paraná, particularly regarding the optional use of the CSRT (Code of Security for the Taxpayer) until 2025.

What are the main changes?
The key changes introduced by this technical note include:

  • Updates to the NF-e and NFC-e layouts;
  • Activation of new validation rules for certain fields, particularly those related to identifying the technical manager and generating the CSRT hash;
  • Adjustments to validation rules N12-81 and N12a-50, as well as corrections in the hashCSRT generation example;
  • Modifications to fields N26a (tag: pST) and N26b (tag: vICMSSubstituto).

For the state of Paraná, the CSRT will be optional for approval until 3 February 2025, and in production until 1 April 2025. After these dates, the idCSRT and hashCSRT fields will become mandatory.

What are the impacts?
These changes aim to improve the accuracy and security of tax document submissions through the introduction of the CSRT hash. For companies operating in Paraná, the validation rules will be optional until the mentioned dates, allowing them time to adjust their systems. After 1 April 2025, the mandatory fields will need to be integrated into their NF-e and NFC-e issuance systems.

Implementation timelines

  • Rule ZD07-10 (Model 55) for Paraná:
    - Test: 3 February 2024;
    - Production: 1 April 2025.
  • Rule 7ZD02-10 (Model 55) for Paraná:
    - Test: 16 September 2024;
    - Production: 1 April 2025.
  • Rules 7ZD08-10, 7ZD08-20, and 7ZD09-10 (Model 55) for Paraná:
    - Test: 16 September 2024;
    - Production: 1 October 2024.
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