Compliance Alert – Santa Catarina delays mandatory NF-e and NFC-e field updates to January 2025

Update: Compliance Alert – Santa Catarina delays mandatory NF-e and NFC-e field updates to January 2025
Date: 2024-10-04

On 23 September 2024, DIAT Act 58/2024 was published, amending DIAT Act No. 35/2024, which modified rules for filling specific fields in electronic tax documents for Santa Catarina taxpayers. This extension pushes the mandatory updates to Goods Electronic Invoices and Consumer Electronic Invoices (NF-e and NFC-e) to January 2025.

What are the changes?

DIAT Act 35/2024 initially required the mandatory completion of fields such as cCredPresumido (ID I05h), pCredPresumido (ID I05i), vCredPresumido (ID I05j), and cBenefRBC (ID N14a) starting 1 October 2024. However, DIAT Act 58/2024 postpones this deadline until 1 January 2025. During the interim, the new field-filling rules can be followed voluntarily, replacing those of DIAT Act No. 79/2022.

What are the impacts?

The extension allows businesses more time to adjust their systems and comply with new data requirements in electronic tax documents. This delay provides a smoother transition for companies to update and test the necessary fields.

Implementation timelines

  • Approval Environment (company testing environment): 1 October 2024;
  • Production Environment: 1 January 2025.
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