Compliance Alert – Update of the Carta Porte 3.1 Complement catalogues

Update: Compliance Alert – Update of the Carta Porte 3.1 Complement catalogues
Date: 2024-10-17

On 9 October, Mexico's Tax Administration Service (SAT) published an update of the Carta Porte version 3.1 catalogues.

Thirteen new entries have been added to the Air Transport Code catalogue c_CodigoTransporteAereo.

Identification key Nationality Airline name   Designator OACI*
CA161 Mexican Aerus RFD
CA162 Mexican Mexicana (Aerolínea del Estado Mexicano) MXA
CA163 Mexican Eurus Aviation EUS
CA164 Mexican Señor Air SEN
CA165 Mexican TM Aerolíneas WIN
CA166 Ecuadorian Avianca Ecuador GLG
CA167 Canadian Jetlines CJL
CA168 United States Avelo Airlines VXP
CA169 United States Global Wings Express GWW
CA170 United States KaiserAir KAI
CA171 Asian Air China Cargo CAO
CA172 Maltese AirX Charter AXY
CA173 Central and South American Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras AZU


The changes are effective from 9 October 2024, and the update involves changes in the XSD schema.

Taxpayers that update their issuing systems based on the validations, catalogues, and affected schemes must implement the modifications to comply with the changes reported by the SAT.

*) OACI is the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Sp.: Organización de la Aviación Civil Internacional).

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