Compliance Alert – New Factur-X v.1.07.2 release

Update: Compliance Alert – New Factur-X v.1.07.2 release
Date: 2024-11-26

The National Forum for Electronic Invoicing and Electronic Public Procurement (FNFE-MPE) published the release of version Factur-X 1.07.2/ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 applicable from 15 November 2024.

The 1.07 version is based on UN/CEFACT CII D22B, which is required for full compliance with the EN16931 Semantic Standard and is fully compatible with version D16B. Hence, invoices created in version 1.01.06 remain compliant under version 1.07.

What are the main updates?

Code lists and schematrons follow the EN16931 update of 15 November 2024.

Furthermore, additional management rules and code lists for hybrid documents are introduced.

New mandatory business rules

Two new business rules are required for the use of code lists on EXTENDED fields:

  • BR-FXEXT-04: To ensure automated processing of the article attributes without bilateral reconciliation, only values from the code list UNTDED 6313+Factur-X-Extension should be used on BT-X-11;
  • BR-FXEXT-05: The code for the subtype of the invoice line item (BT-X-8) must be used from the Line Status Reason code list.

The complete documentation is available at FNFE-MPE’s website in French, German and English languages.

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