Login issues

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password to Pagero Online or Pagero Connect (you use the same username and password for both) and need to reset it, you can do this through our webpage www.pageroonline.com. All you need to have is your username so we can send a link for you to reset your password.  

If you have forgotten your username you can contact our support by either phone, chat, or submit a request and we will provide it for you.


  1. To reset your password, go to www.pageroonline.com and fill in your username. Once you´ve done this, click on next. 


  2. Then click on forgot your password?

  3. Click on send reset link and an email will arrive in your mailbox to the email that your user is connected to within a few minutes.


    Note! The reset link can sometimes arrive in your spam-inbox so make sure to check this if you haven´t received the email after 10 minutes. If you have clicked more than once to receive a reset link, make sure you click on the latest email you have received since the link has a time limit.


  4. The email will contain a reset link together with your username. Once you click on the link, your web browser will open a new window where you can register your new password.



Note! If you have auto-saved your password for the web browser for Pagero Online, you need to change the password to your new one because otherwise the new password won’t be registered when you try to login.

Forgot Username

If you have forgotten your username for Pagero Online you can get your username by contacting either your company's admin user or Pagero support. After getting your username, should you need to reset your password, please follow the steps on section Forgot password.

Locked account

If login page states that your account is locked, please contact your company's administrator use who can unlock your account. You account will get locked out after five failed login attempts.

Login fields missing

In case you can't see the fields for entering your credentials (either username or password) on the login page to Pagero Online, you should clear your site data and cookies for Pagero Online. After this, remember to accept the cookie policy on Pagero's website the next time you are logging in. The process can vary slightly based on the browser you're using. 




To remove cookies on Pagero Online, we recommend that you follow the pictures below. We also recommend that you completely shut down the web browser after following all the steps to make sure that the web browser have fetched new updated cookies to the browser. 
If you are still experiencing issues after following the guide, then we recommend that you also check if the browser was completely shut down last time, by looking for the web browser process in the Windows program "Task manager". Ensure that all browser processes are closed before attempting to log in to Pagero Online again.

Google Chrome:



Microsoft Edge:




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