New Service Status page

Find information on how to subscribe to our new Service Status page

Announcement: New Service Status page
Date: 2021-10-13

Dear customer,

We are glad to announce that we have upgraded our Service Status page, this is to make it easier to follow updates when we have an issue with our services and also to see historical issues.

From 13.10.2021, we will post information about Pagero service statuses here. As before, information about issues with our services will be found in our Support Center under "Service Status".

Subscribe to updates

To receive service status updates for coming issues you need to go into our new Service Status page and subscribe to the platforms you wish to receive updates about.

  1. Click on "Subscribe to updates" as the picture below shows
  2. Choose either E-mail or Webhook as receiving channel
  3. Insert address, E-mail or URL
  4. Choose which platforms and services you wish to receive updates about

For any questions, please reach out to our Support Team


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