Inside the Order View, you will find the option to Create Dispatch Advice on the bottom right
A list of all the headlines accessible in the dispatch advice is available on the right side of the view, and can be used for navigation
The information used to generate the dispatch advice is prepopulated with the contents of the order that you've received - but you may adjust multiple fields before sending this document (number of packages, number of articles, dispatch date...).
When you have created your dispatch advice, press "Send dispatch advice" for your document to be processed in our system - doing so will update the status to either delivered or partially delivered.
If you've already created a dispatch advice, and you wish to create this same document for the rest of the order, you'd simply need to go through the previous steps again, and confirm that the delivered quantity matches the remaining quantity - the amount that appeared in the previous dispatch advice will be available in fulfilled.
Creating a second dispatch advice for the remainder of an order will update the order status automatically to fully delivered.