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The analytics section is used to visualize data about all transactions taking place in Pagero. Information on sales, purchases, environmental impact, and financial forecasting is displayed in easy-to-understand graphs so you can:

  • Identify sales trends according to items, or customers
  • Detect purchase patterns 
  • Monitor all the information from your company or company group
  • Access and customize your information whenever you want

Table of Contents

  1. General information
  2. Filters
  3. Exports
  4. Search
  5. Purchase and Sales
  6. Environment
  7. Financial forecast
  8. Advanced Analytics & Basic Analytics
  9. Additional information

1. General information

The analytics section is divided into 5 different dashboards: Search, Purchase, Sales, Environment and Financial forecast which can be browsed using the menu on the screen's upper section.

All dashboards contain similar features like Filters or Exports. The Sales and Purchase dashboards work exactly the same except for the information displayed in them, one displays sales information and the other purchases information. There are two different versions of Analytics with different functionalities: Advanced analytics & Basic Analytics. Advanced analytics has greater functionalities but comes with a cost while the basic service is free for all Pagero Online users. 

2. Filters

Filters are handy when looking for specific data. Pagero Online offers multiple useful filters that will help you to find what you're looking for while maintaining clean appearance.

How to use filters

The dashboard's top section contains several filters used to select the information displayed in the sections below. Time filtering is carried out with the first three filters. The first filter is a dropdown menu used to select a time range. There is an option to use predefined ranges, like This month or This week, and custom ranges.

To apply a custom range click on Custom, choose the desired time range in the pop-up window, and click Select period.

Once a custom range is applied, it can be saved for future analysis by going to Manage Custom Ranges. In the pop-up window enter a desired label and click Store.

Saved custom ranges appear at the top of the predefined ranges in the dropdown menu. 

When using predefined ranges the box to the right of the dropdown menu can be used to move the range to previous dates. Click the arrows on the sides to go back and forward.

The following drop-down menu allows you to choose between classifying invoices by Document Date (the date stated inside the document) or Create Date (the date the document first appeared in Pagero Online). When a filter is selected it can be saved by clicking Save as a new preset. To stop applying a preset filter go to clear current filter.

The Filters button displays four other dropdown menus used to filter by 1) Distribution (type of distribution), 2) Currency, and 3) Customer/Supplier (depending on the dashboard), The 4) Filter Presets button is used to save specific configurations and browse through them for future analysis.

When a filter is selected it can be saved by clicking Save as a new preset. To stop applying a preset filter go to clear current filter.


3. Exports

Pagero Online allows you to download excel or csv file of everything you can see in analytics. These files can often prove useful for those who wish to further analyze and compare business-related data.

How to export data from analytics

The two dropdown menus and the export symbol on the top right corner are used to export the selected data in a CSV or Excel file. First, select the amounts with or without VAT then, choose the currency in which the amounts are exported. Finally, click the export symbol to open a pop-up window with further filters 

In the pop-up window, the 1) Export name can be modified by clicking on the predetermined name created by Pagero. 2) other options allow you to select between purchases/sales, Excel/CSV, and Document/line-items. 3) Configure fields displays a wide selection of fields that can be chosen to be exported, 4) Export Progress displays the exports being processed at the time and 5) Export reports allows you to download previous exports again. Finally, the Export button on the bottom right corner must be clicked to download the export file.


4. Search

The search tab on the top of the analytics menu is used to browse your processed documents in Pagero Online. The filter section on top resembles that of the other tabs of the analytics service but includes different functions. First, it does not include the Filters button. Nonetheless, it includes the Search bar,  a useful tool for looking for files using words inside them. Basic Analytics allows looking for header-level words while Advanced analytics expands the lookup to line-level information. The Direction filter is used to choose between Sent and Received document flows.


5. Purchase and Sales

For more information about your company's business transactions regarding purchases and sales, you can access a dedicated section for this from the top menu of the analytics section.

How to use Purchase and sales

These dashboards are divided into 5 different graphs and 3 key figures . All different graphs work similarly. They display the information selected by the filters above. Hovering over the graphs displays further information.


View details opens a detailed version of the selected graph with the Filters and Export functions described above.

When viewing a graph's details a list of the documents being displayed shows in the lower section of the screen. Clicking on Show more extends the displayed list by 20 files. 

On the upper part of the dashboards, three key figures are displayed: Number of documents, Electronic distribution, and Total sum. The first one contains information about the total number of documents matching the applied filters.



Electronic distribution presents information about the % of Number of documents distributed electronically. Documents using paper distribution will not appear in this section. 



Total sum adds up the value of all transactions being displayed at the moment.



Clicking on them opens a detailed version of the information that works like the detailed version of graphs.


6. Environment

The environment sections contains relevant data on the positive impact using Pagero has on the environment. It shares the Number of documents and Electronic distribution sections of Purchase and Sales while containing 4 key environmental indicators: Paper savings, Energy savings, CO2 saved, and Km of driving. These figures are estimated by calculating the difference between the current document flow impact and the impact of a physical flow having the same number of documents.


7. Financial Forecast

This section is currently under development and only displays example data. 


8. Advanced Analytics vs Analytics Basic

All Pagero Online accounts have the basic service available by default. The Advanced version extends your data retention and storage period to 36 months in addition to the 90 days already offered with Analytics Basic. This allows you to analyze historical data and identify long-term trends in your financial performance. The extended data retention time is also reflected in the environmental dashboard giving you the possibility of viewing trends year-on-year. Further, Advanced Analytics can access a greater amount of data inside your documents. Specifically, line-level information is stored so it can be analyzed using the Search function and extracted using the  Exports function. That is, information about specific items and not just invoice totals can be accessed. 


9. Additional information

Here are some extra facts that can help you better understand how Analytics work:

  • Only documents sent in PROD mode are stored in the analytics database.
  • Documents that are deleted from Pagero Online are also deleted from the analytics database.
  • Adblockers can cause issues viewing graphs.
  • Displayed amounts are calculated with the exchange rate from the document's date.


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