Documentos (old web)

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This article explains how to manage the documents sent to your recipients through Pagero Online. It describes actions you can take in the old Pagero Online interface.


1. How to check if my documents were sent properly

2. How to interpret the delivery status in Pagero Online

3. How to handle documents with errors

4. How to see my received documents

5. How to export documents from Pagero Online


1. How to check if my documents were sent properly

1. Once an invoice has been submitted, you can check the status of your invoices in Pagero Online by clicking on My documents in the left panel then Sent documents. You can add information on any field you like but that is not mandatory. Then click Search to see the invoices sent in the past 90 days.


Please note that Pagero will only keep the documents for the last 90 days.


You can also see a PDF presentation of your E-Invoice by clicking on "View presentation".



To check the attachments you can click over your sent document and looking below to the right  you will see the setting Attachments, select it and you then see the Undistributed attachments. Your source XML and your original PDF invoice attachment.

Please note that your recipient might also reject an invoice if they find a wrong value or they experience an issue, in this case, you will receive a message and you will find the issue in the folder My documents - Handle documents with errors


2. How to interpret the delivery status in Pagero Online


The delivery is complete, this is a final delivery status.


Done (Fetched)

Inbound delivery of a file is complete. The file that has been received in Pagero Online, and has also been fetched from Pagero Online via the chosen communication. This status may also show on outbound files if the recipient is receiving the document through Pagero.

Waiting to be delivered

The document is to be sent. No actions are needed. This status can also show when the document is already sent but the receivers service provider is yet to send a technical acknowledgement to Pagero of the documents receipt.


Error at Receiver

Something is wrong related to the delivery of the document, either generated by the recipient’s service provider or the receiver themselves. The process status will be Handled by Pagero and shall be handled by Pagero support.


The document could not be delivered to the recipient, or it was rejected, and is a final delivery status. Process status will be Awaiting interaction by user, and depending on the sender’s settings they will be informed on the reason for of the rejection.


In the User Interface (UI) we can also display Cancelled as a status on documents, but that is mapped via process status (in such case delivery status is no longer of importance, the document has been cancelled/virtually deleted).


3. How to handle documents with errors

Not all sent invoices reach the destination. This can happen for many reasons, which can be broadly categorized in two groups: Rejections from the receiving service provider and Internal errors within Pagero's systems. If you receive information that your sent document is not processed correctly but has been stopped in error, you can find the document and information about the error in Pagero Online. 

Pagero Messages

When an invoice encounters an error which needs your actions, an email gets sent to the address you've chosen in your company's settings. These emails can come in few different templates and languages based on your settings, and while the email doesn't directly tell which invoices have encountered what error, it tells you where you can go examine the issue. Here's how you can find these error messages within Pagero Online:

1. Log in to Pagero Online.

2. Navigate to Messages - Inbox

Error handling

1. Go to My Documents - Handle documents with errors or Handle files with errors. You can either search by a specific document number or then seek from a list that opens when clicking Search.


2. You can see the following information about your documents with errors from the list: Document number, Receiver, Distribution method, when it was created, Document type and Send mode.


3. Click on the invoice you want to take an overview and see the error description.

You can also Download source document and Resend or Delete the document.

If the error message is unclear and you're not sure what it means, you can check the FAQ guides in our Support Center or contact our support team for assistance.


On some errors the invalid value can be edited directly in this view, such as erroneous email address or reference number. Type in the new value and click resend.

On other errors, the invoice data needs to be edited in your invoicing system first before resending the invoice file to Pagero. Don't forget to delete the document in error before resending it to Pagero to avoid duplicates of the same invoice.


Sometimes your document may have a status Handled by Pagero and this means that the document is waiting for a manual handling of our support. This is when you will have to wait for whether the document has been successfully sent or rejected after the handling. If it is rejected you can find it in Handle documents with errorsif it is an error that can be corrected directly in Pagero Online or in Sent documents with delivery status as Undeliverable/Rejected if something on the documents needs to be corrected and then resent to Pagero Online.


4. How to see my received documents

1. You can find your received documents by going to Pagero Online and clicking on My documents in the left panel and then Received documents. You can narrow the search by adding information in any field you like but that is not mandatory. Then click Search to see the invoices sent in the past 90 days.



Once you click an invoice in your received documents list, you will be able to see the status of this invoice, download the Invoice, download the presentation of the E-invoice, and the attachments.





5. How to export documents from Pagero Online

Pagero Online features a functionality to export a list of your received or sent documents as an excel sheet or a csv-file.

The exported list will contain basic information of the included documents, such as document type, sender and receiver details, order numbers, total amounts, currency, due date and status of delivery.


Here's how you can export the documents in Pagero Online:

1. Login to Pagero Online.

2. Go to My documents - Sent documents or Received documents, depending which ones you wish to export:

3. Use the search fields to narrow down the list of documents you wish to export and click search. The export will only include documents filtered with the search. If no search criteria are given, the export will include all available documents.

4. Once you have the documents you wish to export shown on the search results, click Excel or CSV at the bottom of the list and download of the export file will start. All the results of the search will be included, not just the ones shown on the current page.

Exporting documents from archive

If you have archive service in Pagero Online, archived documents can also be exported. This needs to be done separately from the documents that are not yet in the archive.

1. Use the search fields to filter the wanted documents to be exported as before, and this time check the tab Extend search to include the archive.

2. Go to the tab Archived documents and click Excel or CSV at the bottom of the list. This will download a file that includes documents shown on the archive side.



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