
Pahoittelemme! Tätä opasta ei vielä löydy suomeksi. Sillä välin kun työstämme käännöstä, löydät englanninkielisen oppaan tämän tekstin alapuolelta.


This article explains how to manage the Documents view in Pagero Online. Here, you'll learn how to navigate & find sent and received documents, as well as learn what to do when your documents encounter errors.


Table of Contents

  1. Accessing the Documents view
  2. Navigation
  3. Received/Sent Documents
  4. In Progress
  5. Errors (Handle documents with errors)


1. Accessing the Documents view

The Documents view is available on the top menu, once logged into Pagero Online. Alternatively, you can access it via the Shortcuts section, located on the bottom left part of the Home page.



2. Navigation

Once you access the Documents view, you will be presented with four sections. You can switch between them using the top menu.

  • Received displays your inbound documents.
  • Sent shows your outbound documents.
  • In progress displays all documents that are being processed, delivered, or need to be handled by the support team. 
  • Errors shows documents that could not be sent to their intended receivers. You will be able to see the error message, and delete or resend the document from this section.


3. Received/Sent Documents

In the Received and Sent views you are able to check all the documents that have been successfully sent or received by your company.

Interface Documents listed on these views display the following information about them:
  • Document number
  • Document type
  • Sending/Receiving company name
  • Business status: a status will only be shown if the involved companies exchange status updates. Examples of business statuses are: Acknowledge, In process, Rejected, Approved or Paid. Otherwise, No status will be displayed.
  • Creation date
  • Distribution type: Electronic or Email.
  • Send mode: Production (Prod), Certification (Cert) or Test (Test) mode. You can find more information about these modes our Invoice Portal guide (section 11).
Document Details

When clicking on any of the listed documents, a new panel on the right of the screen will appear, showing more detailed information about it.

  • Details: displays the same information you can see when not clicking on the document, plus some extra fields such as the total, net and VAT amounts or the due date.


  • References: if an invoice receives an application response, or other document that references it is available, it will appear in this section. You are able to click on it to quickly access its information.
  • Files & attachments: you can download the electronic document, its PDF presentation, and any included attachments from this section.


Above the listed documents you can find the filters section, which will allow you to easily find a specific document. The interface consists of:

  • Search bar: allows you to type the document number or the receiving/sending company name to find a specific invoice or all invoices by that company.
  • Document type dropdown: allows you to filter by the document type (e.g. Invoice, Order, Payment reminder, etc.)
  • More filters: if you require more search options, you can display additional filters using this button. The same button can be used to hide the extra filters if they are not needed anymore. However, please note that hiding the extra filters will not delete values added there, so be sure to clear them prior to hiding the extra fields.
    • Referenced document number: some document types, like credit notes and application responses, contain the document number of the invoice they are linked to. Using this search bar, you are able to find these types of documents using the original invoice number.
    • Send mode
    • Dates: you can select a time period so only documents inside that range will be displayed. Created is the date in which the document was uploaded to Pagero Online, whereas Issue date is the date included on the invoice.



4. In Progress

In the In Progress view, you are able to check all the documents that are yet to be processed or delivered to its intended receiver. Documents will stay here only for a short period of time.


Documents listed on these views display the following information about them:

  • Document number
  • Document type
  • Receiving company name.
  • Creation date
  • Status
    • Processing: the document is being transformed into the receiver's format.
    • Sending: the document has been processed and will be sent to its receiver soon.
    • Awaiting interaction: this status appears when a document has been retriggered or resent and you need to add the attachments again before the document starts processing again.
    • Being handled by Support: the document has encountered issues during the processing or delivery phases, and will need to be manually checked by the Support team. After Support's review, the document will be moved to Sent or Errors section, depending on the situation.
  • Send mode: Production, Certification or Test mode. You can find more information about these modes our Invoice Portal guide (section 11).
Document Details

When clicking on any of the listed documents, a new panel on the right of the screen will appear showing more detailed information about it.

  • Details: displays the same information you can see in the main view, plus some extra fields such as the document dates, total amount, and the user that sent it.

  • Attachments: if a document has the Awaiting interaction status, you need to add its attachments again before the processing phase can start. After selecting the file, you need to click on Add Attachment and then Send.

  • Document actions: at the bottom of the Details panel, you will see the Delete and Resend buttons.
    • Resend: restarts the processing phase. It can be used when a document is stuck in Sending status for a long time. If you are not sure this action will be enough, you can consult our Support by sending us a request from the upper menu in this Support Center.
    • Delete: if you realize the content of your document is incorrect, you can delete it to avoid being sent to its receiver, but only if the document is still on the In progress section. Once a document is Sent, it cannot be deleted.


Above the listed documents you will find the filters section, which will allow you to easily find a specific one. The interface consists of:

  • Search bar: allows you to type the document number to find a specific invoice.
  • Only show documents that require interaction: only documents in Awaiting interaction status will be displayed.


5. Errors (Handle documents with errors)

In the views, you are able to check all the documents that have been stopped during the processing or delivery phases due to errors. You can also delete said documents or, in some cases, edit the incorrect value and resend it.


Documents listed on these views display the following information about them:

  • Document number
  • Document type
  • Receiving company name
  • Creation date
  • Send mode: Production, Certification or Test mode. You can find more information about these modes our Invoice Portal guide (section 11).


Document Details

When clicking on any of the listed documents, a new panel on the right of the screen will appear showing more detailed information about it.

  • Details: displays the same information you can see in the main view, plus some extra fields such as the status, total amount, dates or the user that created it. You can click on the arrow next to the document status to expand the textbox and check the error message.



  • Files: you can download the electronic document and its PDF presentation from this section.

  • Handle errors: for some error types, you will be able to correct it from this page instead of having to create the entire document again. This can only be done when the section Handle errors appears under the details of a stopped document. The incorrect value provided will be shown, so you can type the correct one in the textbox and Resend the document.

  • Document actions: at the bottom of the Details panel, you will see the Delete and Resend buttons.
    • Resend: restarts the processing phase. It can be used when a document is stopped due to an issue that is not related to the document content.
      • For example, if the document is stopped because the receiver is not added to your customer directory, you can add them and then resend the document. If you have any doubts regarding the error message, it is recommended to contact Support by sending a request from the upper menu of this Support Center before resending a stopped document.
    • Delete: if the document cannot be corrected from the Errors section, you will need to delete the stopped document and upload the corrected version. It is recommended to delete it first, to avoid issues with duplicate document numbers.

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