In Pagero Online you can choose whether you want to have an open or closed customer directory.
When your customer directory is closed, you will have to add every e-invoice recipient you want to send invoices to in to your customer directory.
If you don’t want to add every e-invoice recipient to your customer directory, you can choose to have an open customer directory and the system will look for the recipient directly in our public directory.
*Please keep in mind that the below changes can be made only by an account administrator. If you are not an account administrator, please ask an administrator to perform these changes for you.
You can switch between open or closed customer directory by changing the setting “Use provided routing information” as following:
1. Go to "Settings - Settings - Company level settings" and click on "Outbound" tab:
2. Scroll down to "Routing" and the section "Use provided routing information"
3. When this section is Off the customer directory is closed, when this section is On the customer directory is open:
If you have any questions you can always find contact information to our Support team in Pagero Online, under the tab Support.
Call us, chat with us or submit a request here: support